Dicembre 2013
Last 22 December, 2013 the Holy Rosary CCD children held a Christmas Program to honor the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sr. Evelyn Pascua was responsible to put together the program with the help of the catechists: Sr. Alma Dazo, Sr. Marietta Castellano, Miss Lyn Reed, Mrs. Ann Brooks and Mrs. Marie Kistler. The children did a onetime practice together due to snow and bad weather. In spite of the circumstance children tried their best to honor Jesus on His birthday. Parents were very pleased with their children. In addition Sr. Marietta Castellano, CCD Coordinator gave a Christmas message emphasizing to everyone to have a Christmas spirit of love in our hearts, of peace in our souls and of joy in our lives.
On December 19, 2013 children celebrated the birthday of Jesus with a Christmas Party and a visit from Santa Clause or St. Nicholas. On the next day, Dec. 20 they shared their God given talents at the Christmas Program to continue celebrating the birthday of Jesus. Parents and guests enjoyed the program.
Last Nov. 27, 2013 the Cabrini Academy Early Learning Center celebrated Thanksgiving Day. They tried to recreate the first Thanksgiving Dinner. Kindergarten children dressed up like Native American Indian and Pre-K children dressed up like Pilgrims. Pilgrims are people from England that went to America seeking for religious freedom. Before the party was the Prayer Service to thank God for His goodness and gifts and also for good harvest.
Some parents participated at the service. A parent from Kindergarten has read books of Thanksgiving to children. Some parents brought food and have helped teachers to prepare for the party. Children brought also some cans goods and contributed money for Thanksgiving dinner baskets to be given to poor families. This is the way they expressed gratefulness to God by sharing what they have for others.