Verso il SÌ, gioioso e gratuito


Richmond AUS, 18 maggio

La  comunità  delle Figlie del Divino Zelo di Richmond (Australia)  ha vissuto  momenti di profonda gioia  per la professione perpetua di Suor M. Corazon Sacmar.
Il rito della professione perpetua si è svolto in Parrocchia, durante la celebrazione Eucaristica del 18 Maggio V Domenica di Pasqua.
Ci siamo unite alla gioia di Sr. M. Corazon e ognuna di noi ha rinnovato nel proprio cuore il Si al Signore della messe per una più autentica fedeltà al Suo amore; abbiamo pregato per la fedele perseveranza di Sr. M. Corazon e perché il suo Sì definitivo al Signore potesse ispirare i giovani presenti a dedicare la propria vita al Signore per il bene dei fratelli, messe bisognosa di apostoli santi.
Ecco le parole di Sr M. Corazon piene di gratitudine al Signore e di ringraziamento ai presenti, prima della conclusione della Celebrazione Eucaristica.

Journey of Gratitude

         When we aim at something in our lives, we pursue it with much determination, sacrifices and prayer.  And most often we have people around us who help us discover and achieve what we aim for.

         When I pursued Religious life ten years ago, my only goal and prayer was to persevere and to move forward to the next stage of formation.  And now that I’ve just said my “Yes” to Him perpetually, forever, it doesn’t mean that my prayer and looking forward has come to an end.  In the years that I have been a religious, I’ve learned that every day is always a beginning, striving always to live a life of holiness. 

As I look ahead, I wish to look back on the journey that has been and express my gratitude to those who have walked with me.  I would like to thank our good Lord, first and foremost, for choosing me to be His own bride despite my vulnerabilities and weaknesses and whose love and guidance I have experienced through the people who helped me discover and nurture my vocation: my family, especially my parents who brought me closer to Him, my formators who accompanied me to discover which way of life to take and helped me to commit my life to the Lord;  my spiritual directors especially Sr. Joan for the enlightenment; my batch mates who are in the Philippines, Sr. Ailen  and Sr. Jeanette who journeyed with me. I thank the Lord also for my superiors, past and present, who patiently guided me to be dedicated in all aspects of life, my co-sisters in our delegation who give witness how to live life for ROGATE.  A special thanks also to our Mother General, Mother Teolinda Salemi, and her council who approved my request to be part of our Religious Family; to Mother Elna, delegate of the Mother General who accepted my Vows and Sr. Gladys who represents our sisters in the Delegation; to my community, Mother Floriana and Sr. Felicitas, who made this celebration possible.

I wish to express my profound gratitude also to Fr. Huy Nguyen Viet, SJ who have presided in this Mass, to Fr. Robin Koning, SJ who gave us very touching and encouraging homily.  The presence of Fr. Dennis Webster, from the Anglican Church really made this celebration unique and special, thank you for concelebrating, Father.

To Nancy Calo and all members of the choir for the beautiful music which lifted up our spirits and made this celebration solemn and inspiring, to all the servers. To our students in MNSH, thank you for being part of my journey and for letting me be a part of yours.  To our friends who have been generous to us in so many ways; to all of you who are present in this celebration and who have patiently participated in this mass, I wish to thank all of you for the precious time you shared with me.  I wish to share my joy to all of you and say a little prayer to the Lord that He may also let you experience the joy and peace that He alone could give!  Please do pray for me that I may be faithful to God and be a living witness of His love.   Sr. M. Corazon




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